Recruit women between 18-30 years old, beautiful, and experienced with basic English skills.
Have more than 30 active girls, and at least added 10 girls in the first week.
Please send the agent's official social media account. (Instagram & Facebook)
Join work groups on Whatsapp / Telegram. (our admin will invite you to join)
Agents who fail to meet the minimum completion standards or have fewer than 5 active girls in 2 consecutive weeks will be shut down. (Minimum salary to be paid by an agent is $50)
AS = TSAT * AR %
When A-Level & above talens (%) on a lower than the total salary of paid talents, agencies will be given the agency rate (%) below the current total salary level.
Example :
When the total salary of all paid talents = $4000.01 but A level & above talens (%) < 40%, the agency rate (%) will be 13%
AS : Agency’s salary
TSAT : Total salary of all paid talents
AR : Agency Rate
ALAT : A Level & above talents
ALATLW : The number A level & above talents last week
ATLW : The bumber of active talents last week
Penalties for agents if their hosts commit violations is a /300 deduction from the total agent coins that week.
Example: if the total coins from the agent is 9000 coins, so the agent penalty is 9000/300 = 30 USD
‼Please remind all girls to say Hi and Hello when match or call coming‼
The exchange rate is divided into 5 brackets based on the talent’s weekly coins and average call durations.
(when average call durations are on a lower level than weekly coins, talents will be given the exchange rate right below the current weekly coins level)
(Level SS) If you earn more than or equal to 160,000 coins in a week, The average call duration is longer than 6 minutes in a week, and the exchange ratio is 300.
300 coins = $1
160000/300 = $533.33
This Is Important:
Using your email
please contact our team to get the invitation code for agency or just click here to contact us via whatsapp!
and start creating a profile